
When we first started, we wanted to build a lyrics collection website that also provides All Type Lyrics in one place.

What we didn’t realize was how much time and effort should be invested to provide all type lyrics.

We try hard to manage time for these stuffs but the ads money we get is so less we are unable to give our fullest time to the website.

With your small support we will try to keep our site ads free or with very little ads.

You can donate any amount via Bitcoin to support this website. Any amount is appreciated.

Please help us in any way you can to keep this service free and fast. Your contributions help us to develop more features and motivate to work full-time on it.

Bitcoin Address:- 3PyabndnEguz1mRhVSh3Z9pBYD94MHpaMj

Litecoin Address:- MM52TK7pZktpxo2XfS9d73XtVbgpPn3Bbv

Bitcoin Cash:- qz587xd705m4usk84ygcugzw8ekruqe8zgwp74d7yp

Ethereum Classic:- 0x310546fA7003153dD466758d0364823d90dd1bdb

Thank you!
Admin (Khushi Rahman)